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European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation releases environmental report

The European Feed Manufacturers' Federation has released the second edition of its environmental report, expanding upon the initial overview of the environmental benefits and burdens that result from activities under the direct control of the EU compound feed industry, outlined in its 2009 report. “The European compound feed industry has to focus on the further increase of resource efficiency and its contribution to safe and healthy feed and food," said Ruud Tijssens, chairman of the federation's task force.

The European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation has released the second edition of its environmental report, expanding upon the initial overview of the environmental benefits and burdens that result from activities under the direct control of the EU compound feed industry, outlined in its 2009 report.

“The European compound feed industry has to focus on the further increase of resource efficiency and its contribution to safe and healthy feed and food,” said Ruud Tijssens, chairman of the federation‘s task force. “This is the added value that the feed compounder can bring to its customers. The EU feed industry is taking its responsibility towards society: given the global growing demand for animal products and the shrinking availability of natural resources, it is absolutely vital for the feed industry to take care of its social and environmental impact. These are the guiding principles of FEFAC actions in the area of sustainability.”

The first chapter of the report describes the overall feed industry’s vision of sustainability and focuses on responsible supply. The second chapter presents the federation’s activities in the area of harmonization of methodology, and the final chapter is dedicated to the major political challenges identified by the federation at the EU level. The report also provides examples of national initiatives aiming at improving environmental performances. 

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