International Trade Commission determines US methionine industry is ‘materially injured;’ Commerce will issue antidumping duty order on imports from France
The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has determined that the U.S. methionine industry is “materially injured” by imports of methionine from France. The finding comes after the U.S. Department of Commerce in February issued a preliminary finding that the imported product has been sold in the U.S. at less than market value.
As a result of this determination, Commerce will issue an antidumping duty order on imports of methionine from France. ITC said imports would not be subject to retroactive antidumping duties.
The determination is part of an antidumping investigation started after Novus International filed petitions with Commerce and the ITC in July 2020. The petitions requested the agencies investigate imports of methionine from Spain, France and Japan consistent with the World Trade Organization (WTO) Anti-dumping Agreement.
The ITC’s full report on methionine imports from France is expected by July 15. Final determination on methionine imports from Spain and Japan is expected in August.
“Fair trade practices are essential to the long-term health of any industry,” said Ed Galo, Novus vice president and chief commercial officer for Americas and EMEA, in a press release. “Submitting the antidumping petitions to the ITC and Commerce in July of 2020 was no small effort, and since then we have worked very hard to show the intentional imbalance in the U.S. methionine market.”
Adisseo, a French producer of methionine, said in a press release that it “remains committed to the U.S. market as a consistent and reliable supplier of methionine hydroxy-analogue. Unfortunately, the extremely restrictive nature of the tariffs on DL-methionine have forced Adisseo to exit this market segment, further limiting choice of suppliers.”
Adisseo said it is “very disappointed with this decision, as it reduces the options available to U.S. purchasers for methionine. The preliminary duties imposed by this investigation have already driven up cost substantially, cutting into margins for domestic animal protein producers, adding cost to the grocery bill for U.S. customers, and impacting the competitiveness of U.S. meat producers in export markets.”