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Sustainability in Feed Production
Researchers to use grant to convert waste into aquafeed
A team of researchers is developing novel technology that converts pulp and paper mill flue gas and aquaculture wastewater into algae-based protein for aquafeed pellets.
Brand Insights
Extract your hidden feed potential
Unlocking profitability through enhanced feed efficiency with strategies for monitoring, managing, and maximizing feed potential
Sustainability in Feed Production
ForFarmers, Remediiate partner on microalgae project
ForFarmers has signed a letter of intent to collaborate in the United Kingdom with Remediiate, a company that acts as a broker between carbon emitters and feed formulators to produce algae-based animal feed.
Feed Ingredient Insights
Apple pomace a multi-species feed ingredient
Learn about apple pomace’s nutritional composition, technical aspects and tailored feeding recommendations for dairy cows, beef cattle, swine and poultry.
Kipster shares 3 ways to embrace a circular food economy
Reusing byproducts and putting layer meat back into human food are just a few ways the poultry and egg producer is working to build a circular food system.
Animal Nutrition Views
Key sustainability topics at Eurotier 2024
Learn more about 3 key sustainability topics that attracted my attention at this year’s event.
Animal Feed Additives & Ingredients
Amid growing protein need, scientist sees promise in hydrolysates
No one alternative can replace fishmeal, but hydrolysates from animal sources offer interesting benefits.
Animal Feed Regulations & Safety
FEFAC updates, expands its sustainability ambitions
While the overarching vision remains the same, the European feed federation has created new goals around issues such as biosecurity and biofuels, the group's president says.
CSIRO looks to improve circular feed with aquaponics
Study finds promise in aquaponics, but feed formulated with food waste may require more work, scientists say.
HelloFresh, Denali divert food waste into animal feed
Meal kit company turns to depackaging technology to transform food scraps into nutrient-rich compost and animal feed in Arizona.
Sustainability in Feed Production
FFAR Fellows to study dairy research, sustainability
Two Michigan State University students have been selected as members of the 2024-27 cohort for the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) Fellows Program.
Animal Nutrition Views
Key focal points in poultry nutrition research since 2020
The focus of poultry nutrition research since 2020 reflects a broader shift in the industry toward more sustainable, efficient and health-focused practices.
Feeding mushrooms to broilers could reduce waste, costs
Study finds potential new use for waste byproduct in poultry diets.
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