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DLG announces award winners

The awards recognize outstanding achievements in innovation across the livestock farming and energy sectors.

The DLG (German Agricultural Society) has officially announced the winners of the 2024 Innovation Awards for EuroTier, Animal Welfare, and EnergyDecentral. These awards recognize outstanding achievements in innovation across the livestock farming and energy sectors.

Key highlights include:

  • Innovation Award EuroTier 2024: Four gold medals and 21 silver medals were awarded to groundbreaking innovations in animal husbandry.
  • EuroTier Animal Welfare Award 2024: Cow-Welfare A/S was honored for its exceptional contribution to improving animal welfare
  • Innovation Award EnergyDecentral 2024: Two gold medals and one silver medal were awarded for cutting-edge innovations in decentralized energy solutions

The awards acknowledge significant advancements that benefit animal welfare, sustainability and energy efficiency in the agriculture sector. The full press releases, including photos, are available in German and English, with French, Polish and Spanish versions coming soon.

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