Richard A. MurphyRichard A. Murphy, Ph.D., is research coordinator, Alltech European Bioscience Centre in Dunboyne, Ireland.From the AuthorPoultryOrganic trace minerals: Enhanced stability ensures efficacyThere are many forms of mineral complexes and chelates available for use in animal nutrition, all of which are generically referred to as organic trace minerals (OTMs).Feed AdditivesMineral form’s influence on enzyme supplementation responseIncreasingly, the agonistic and antagonistic effects of feed components have come under scrutiny, with choice of components gaining increasing importance in diet formulation. The possibility for negative interactions occurring between individual components within premixes and feeds is high, and while metal ions can act as enzyme inhibitors, little thought is given to the potential for mineral induced inhibition of enzyme activity.PoultryYeast cell wall derivatives improve broiler gut healthYeast cell wall derivatives can reduce antibiotics in poultry animal production, as well as functional feed components, such as MOS and MRF.Page 1 of 1