Eugene GerdenEugene Gerden is an international freelance writer specializing in the global poultry and meat industry. He can be reached at: [email protected].From the AuthorAnimal Feed ManufacturingChinese animal feed sector shows strong growth in 2024Chinese animal feed producers begin to focus on high-quality products as premium feed demand takes off.Feed Production by RegionIndian animal feed sector continues active developmentFind out how the Indian animal feed sector continues active development despite high raw materials prices expected to slow growth rates.Feed Production by RegionItalian feed producers challenged by high costs, ingredient availabilityA lack of raw materials and high energy costs continue to put a serious pressure on the industry, forcing producers to switch from the most affordable alternatives.Animal Feed ManufacturersJapanese animal feed sector faces major price hikesRising prices for raw materials and depreciation of the yen put significant pressure on the industry and its major players.Feed Production by RegionJapanese animal feed market ready for growth in 2022Learn about the Japanese animal feed market 2021 growth and its 2022 momentum, as feed producers move for raw material independence.Feed Production by RegionBrazilian animal feed sector ready for growth in 2022Find out how the Brazilian feed industry performed in 2021 and the challenges and opportunities to be anticipated in the year ahead.Feed AdditivesFrench feed sector stable despite strict COVID measuresLearn how French 2020 feed sector, production managed to grow despite France's firm COVID-19 quarantine measures.African Swine FeverGerman feed industry’s growth flattens due to challengesLearn how the German feed sector has grown slightly amid the ongoing, post-pandemic economic recovery and decreased local demand for feed.Feed Mill ManagementUkraine offers feed production opportunities to investorsAt one time a center of feed production, Ukraine saw its fortunes change with the fall of the USSR. The collapse of the USSR resulted in the ruin of many of the country’s largest livestock and poultry farms that were major feed consumers, and also led to a sharp decline of the local feed industry.Page 1 of 1