Fabio NunesFabio Nunes, poultry processing consultant, BrazilFrom the AuthorHomeChina, Brazil elbow US out of the marketChina, the main market for U.S. agribusiness exports in 2011, dropped down to the third position in 2012, according to USDA. The U.S. exports revenue to that country was affected by the reduction in the soybean exports, to US$25 billion, 14 percent less than the year before.PoultryEarth Policy Institute: Rising meat consumption drains grain harvestThe future growing of world's population will put a lot of pressure on food production as to answer for its increasing demand. However, the food demand will not just increase as will change its current pattern, given the changes world's population will undergo over the next decades will have a significant impact on the profile of the average diets around the world.Business & MarketsBrazil estimates 162.9 million tons for 2010/2011 harvestAccording to the latest estimate made by Ministry of Agriculture, the Brazilian 2010/2011 harvest will set a new record at 162.9 million tons, a 9.2% rise compared to the previous year's 149.2 million tons. The outstanding performance can be mostly attributed to the excellent climatic conditions over the majority of the production areas.Business & MarketsAsia, Latin American soybean elbows out American productAccording to Asian traders, about half of the China’s soybean imports in the Q4 of the year must come from Brazil and Argentina, in the midst of the competitive offer of the grain in the stream of the record harvest in the region. The leader soybean importing country must buy from Brazil and Argentina some 7 million tons of the grain between October and December 2011, part of a total demand of 15 million tons, compared to 5 million tons a year ago.HomeBrazil: record 161.5 million MT for next harvestThe most recent study by CONAB (Brazilian supply company) of the Ministry of Agriculture, estimates a new record harvest for Brazil - 161.5 million MT in 2010/11. In the period, the cropland grew 4.7%, to 49.6 million hectares, 2.2 million more than 2009/10.PoultryUSDA forecast a 2% rise in 2011 for world poultry productionPoultry meat production in 2011 is forecast to increase 2% globally to 100 million MT, which is half of last year’s rate of increase. However, the rate of increase for poultry meat production worldwide is much faster than that of other competing proteins.HomeBrazil: agribusiness makes US$5.8 billion in JuneBrazilian agribusiness had a balance of US$5.8 billion in June. According to Ministry of Agriculture, the performance was boosted mostly by the increment in the price of the soybean complex products (grain, oil and meal), 46.3%, reaching US$3.1 billion.CommoditiesBrazil: 20% rise forecast in soybean and corn production through 2021Brazilian soybean and corn production is forecast to grow by 25% over the next decade, informs the Ministry of Agriculture in the recently publicized study “Brazil - Agribusiness Outlook 2010/2010- 2020/2021” made in partnership with EMBRAPA. José Gasques, coordinator of Ministry of Agriculture’s strategic planning area and head coordinator of the study, says that the projected continuity of the commodities price rise will stimulate the production growth and, therefore, the attainment of the forecast increment.HomeBrazil’s next harvest to reach 161 million tonsBrazilian Ministry of Agriculture announced the fifth estimate for the 2010/11 harvest: 161.5 million tons, 7.8% higher than the record harvest of 2010 (149.6 million tons). The cropland area for 2011 harvest, 48.9 million hectares, grew 5.1% compared to 2010.HomeLos países BRIC vuelven a la carga, reporta WSJ Americas On-LineEs difícil que los BRIC mantengan la cabeza agachada. A comienzos de este año, Brasil, Rusia, India, China y otros mercados emergentes tuvieron dificultades para entrar en acción.Page 1 of 1