When voters in Colorado and Oregon go to the ballots this November 4, they will vote on initiatives that would mandate clear labeling of genetically engineered (GE) ingredients on food packages.The fight over this issue is adding up to be very costly for opponents and supporters of the food labeling laws.Biotech companies such as DuPont, Dow and Monsanto that sell genetically engineered crops, are opposed to the measures. Also opposed is the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), a national business lobbying organization.Vermont has passed a state law requiring labeling on genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food, and Connecticut and Maine have adopted similar laws which will take effect when neighboring states pass such laws. In 2013, GMO food labeling initiatives were narrowly defeated in Washington and California. The GMA and the International Dairy Food Association are suing Vermont over its food labeling law. Recently, plaintiff trade organizations filed a motion for a preliminary injunction, seeking to prevent the law’s implementation until the “litigation has run its course.”Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service approved non-regulated status for three of Dow’s genetically engineered plants – one variety of corn and two varieties of soybeans.
GMO food labeling initiative approved for Colorado ballot proposition
Oregon GMO food labeling initiative draws big money
Vermont GMO Food Labeling Law Challengers Seek Preliminary Injunction
USDA approves GMO corn, soybean varieties