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AFIA appreciates members

AFIA recognizes members

Recognized dedicated members over the years

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) thanks its members for their decades of loyalty and assistance representing the interests of the whole animal food industry.

AFIA’s members include over 650 domestic and international companies and state, regional and national associations. Member companies are feed and pet food manufacturers, integrators, pharmaceutical companies, ingredient suppliers, equipment manufacturers and companies that supply other products or provide support services to the U.S. animal food industry. AFIA’s members manufacture more than 75% of the commercial feed in the United States.

“It’s such an honor to have members who stick with us and are so committed to the betterment of the industry for 25, 50, 80 years,” said AFIA’s president and CEO Constance Cullman. “Without them, our voice before policymakers and regulators wouldn’t be nearly as loud or effective. We can’t thank them enough for their dedication to continuous improvement within the animal food industry.”

The AFIA thanks the California Grain & Feed Association and Standard Nutrition Company for 80 years of membership and International Nutrition, Inc. for 50 years of membership.

The AFIA recognizes the following members for 25 years of membership:

The AFIA also acknowledges the following members for 10 years of membership:

  • Afgritech, LLC
  • Berg+Schmidt America, LLC
  • Biomin America, Inc.
  • C&S Products Co., Inc.
  • Center for Regulatory Services, Inc.
  • Cra-Vac Industries, Inc.
  • Devenish Nutrition
  • Feed Sources LLC
  • Foodsafe Technologies LLC
  • GLC Minerals, LLC
  • Grange Cooperative Supply Association  • Humic Products Trade Association  • LANI  • Maple Leaf Farms Inc.
  • Mid South Feeds Inc.
  • Natural Soda LLC
  • NuTech BioSciences, Inc.
  • R&D LifeSciences, LLC
  • RP Nutrients, Inc.

Companies interested in learning more about AFIA’s membership opportunities can visit [ ] .



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