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Globalization of China’s Feed Machinery Standards is goal for ISO/TC293 Secretariat

Following the resolution 103 of 2014 by ISO/TMB that gave China the responsibility for appointing technical chairs and the establishment of ISO/TC293 Secretariat (Feed machinery), the giant player in feed machinery industry-FAMSUN Holdings-was then honored to assume the secretariat of ISO/TC293 and its counterpart of domestic technologies.

Following the resolution 103 of 2014 by ISO/TMB that gave China the responsibility for appointing technical chairs and the establishment of ISO/TC293 Secretariat (Feed machinery), the giant player in feed machinery industry-FAMSUN Holdings-was then honored to assume the secretariat of ISO/TC293 and its counterpart of domestic technologies. The inaugural meeting of feed machinery technical committee of International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC293) was held on May 20 in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province.

According to Zhang Xiaogang, Chairman of International Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO is the largest and the most authoritative international standard-setting body in the world, currently composed of 195 member countries. The organization aims to promote the development of standardization and the exchanges around the world and facilitate the cooperations in knowledge, science and economy.

In terms of contribution rate, China ranks sixth among all the members. It is hoped that the members of ISO/TC293 led by FAMSUN will make great strides in the standardization of feed machinery industry and integrate more enterprises from Jiangsu Province and even the country into the international standardization process.

In the afternoon, at the Forum of Development Trends in Feed Industry following the Inaugural Meeting, Zhang Lixiang, vice president of School of Rural Development depicted the “4.0 version “of modern agriculture in his speech and analyzed the challenges facing China’s animal husbandry industry. Professor Zong Li from Huazhong Agricultural University then reviewed the trends and technologies in feed industry in his speech “The Innovations in Feed Processing Technology to Adjust to the New Normal”.

To conclude the forum, president Fan Tiaming of FAMSUN shared with the audience the latest trends in China’s feed industry; he also predicted that by 2020, of the total revenues of FAMSUN 70% will come from international markets and 30% from domestic market.

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