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Updated Executive Guide now available

Updated Executive Guide now available The 2009 Executive Guide to World Poultry Trends offers a detailed analysis of the world poultry market. The biggest headache for all poultry meat and egg industries has been the impact  of the global financial crisis, which has brought about


The biggest headache for all poultry meat and egg industries has been the impact  of the global financial crisis, which has brought about a marked slowdown in world economic growth with the accompanying adverse impacts on global output, trade and demand.  The Executive Guide offers detailed analysis on a country-by-country and market-by-market basis.


Financial crisis hits production, trade and demand     3


Global recession impacts on buying behaviour     4

Growth in human population and GNI/person/year


Recession to hit meat production     12

World slaughterings/production

Chicken slaughterings and chicken

Chicken meat production ranking 2007 meat output

Broiler meat production – selected countries

Turkey meat production – selected countries


Major buyers purchase less chicken    22

World trade in poultry meat

Broiler meat exports – selected countries

Broiler meat imports – selected countries

Turkey meat exports – selected countries

Turkey meat imports – selected countries


Mixed fortunes for poultry demand    26

Chicken meat consumption

Poultry consumption – selected countries


Cage bans in the USA and EU will cut production    32 

Layer numbers and hen egg production

Egg production ranking 2007


India a major player in egg exports   38 

World egg trade


Mixed impact of recession 40

Egg consumption (supply)

Per capita egg consumption

Egg consumption

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