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FEFAC guide gains positive assessment from EU authorities

The EuropeanCommission’s Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food & Feed (SCoPAFF) positivelyassessed the upgraded version of the EuropeanCompound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) Guide to GoodHygiene Practice for the manufacturing of compound feed and premixture for foodproducing animals.

The European Commission’s Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food & Feed (SCoPAFF) positively assessed the upgraded version of the European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC) Guide to Good Hygiene Practice for the manufacturing of compound feed and premixture for food producing animals.

The “EFMC Guide” was initially established in 2007 by feed industry experts and through consultation with EU feed chain partners. Its main goal is to facilitate implementation of the hygiene and HACCP requirements of Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 on Feed Hygiene for compound feed and premix manufacturers. With its third upgrade, the practical tool for feed hygiene compliance now includes among others more detailed guidelines on the management of microbial feed safety risks (Salmonella) as well as aflatoxins in maize.

FEFAC President Ruud Tijssens said: “The endorsement by EU authorities illustrates the feed industry’s commitment to maintaining and improving the high feed safety standards. It acknowledges the fact FEFAC takes up its share of the responsibility for feed safety management along the feed chain for the benefit of minimizing safety risks in the food chain on the base of the ‘top of the pyramid’ approach.” 

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