From WATTAgNet:
See what topics were the most popular in the animal feed industry in July.
Fieldale feed mill explosion damages building, burns man
From WATTAgNet: A Fieldale Farms feed mill was badly damaged and one employee received third-degree burns in an explosion during the morning of July 11. The situation was immediately responded to, as Baldwin Fire Chief Joe Roy and another firefighter were standing outside the fire station when they heard the blast.
EU launches new antimicrobial resistance action plan
A new action plan to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been announced by the European Commission (EC).
How to mitigate antimicrobial resistance in livestock
Learn about recent research out of Bristol University regarding the use of antimicrobials and the risks of resistance in livestock production.
Infographic: Animal feed additives replacing antibiotics
On July 10, Pew Charitable Trusts released ” Alternatives to Antibiotics in Animal Agriculture,” a 36-page report reviewing the animal feed additives categories available to animal feed nutritionists to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal production. The nonprofit, non-government organization teamed up a panel of external researchers from numerous U.S.
Report: World ag markets will remain weak to 2026
World agricultural markets are projected to remain weak over the next 10 years, according to the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2017-2026.
EU feed materials catalogue updated
The third update of the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials has been published in the Official Journal of the EU.
EFSA: Animal feed the source of BSE cases in Europe
From WATTAgNet: The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has found that contaminated animal feed is the most likely cause of isolated bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) cases in Europe. Because isolated cases of BSE continue to arise throughout Europe since the EU total feed ban came into effect on January 1, 2001, the European Commission has asked EFSA to investigate the origins of those cases.
Fighting livestock heat stress begins before feed additives
Read more about feed additives to combat heat stress in livestock and when you should have your nutritionist prepare a set of diets specific for the summer.
9 states report DON in wheat crop
Wet spring weather in the U.S. has provided perfect conditions for mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol (DON), T2-HT2 and zearalenone to develop in the wheat crop. Nine states have confirmed reports of DON in wheat, according the Neogen’s Mycotoxin Report from July 3.
Neogen names new CEO, effective immediately
Neogen Corp. has named John Adent as CEO, effective immediately. James Herbert, the company’s founder and former CEO, will remain as executive chairman and work closely with Adent in the transition of responsibilities. “I’m excited to have John accept the leadership position at our company.