The animal feed industry can play a critical role in achieving corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) targets, yet it is not widely understood, so companies are not fully leveraging available data.
The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) has opened registration for an educational symposium, “Feed Your ESG: How Feed Will Help Hit Sustainability Targets,” which is designed to equip industry experts, researchers and stakeholders with information on how animal feed can help them meet their sustainability goals.
“We look forward to showcasing how the feed industry and animal nutrition can be part of reducing environmental impact and improving the sustainability of food production,” said Paul Davis, Ph.D., AFIA’s director of quality, animal food safety & education.
The AFIA Nutrition Committee determined the theme, topics and presenters for the program, with the goal that by exploring innovative approaches and best practices within the industry, the education program will provide valuable insights into how the animal feed industry can contribute to a more sustainable future.
The program will take place on Wednesday, January 31, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., in conjunction with the 2024 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). Registration is now open, with an early bird fee of $65 available until January 12. After this date, the registration fee is $85.
Largest tradeshow floor yet
The 2024 IPPE show floor has surpassed 600,800 square feet of exhibit space and has secured more than 1,295 exhibitors with two and a half months remaining until the show opens. This will be the largest trade show floor in IPPE’s history, covering all four halls of the Georgia World Congress Center.
“We are really pleased with the expanded show floor square footage and the level of exhibitor participation. This is going to be an exciting show that you will not want to miss,” stated IPPE show organizers. IPPE is sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) and the Meat Institute.
The 2024 IPPE will provide attendees with a full week of education programs, innovative technology, engaging activities on the show floor and enhanced networking opportunities with industry leaders from the animal food, meat, and poultry and egg industries.
The trade show floor will showcase the latest technology, equipment and services used in the production and processing of animal food, meat and poultry and egg products. IPPE will also feature more than 80 hours of education sessions focused on current industry issues.
For more information and to register, visit