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National Corn Growers releases World of Corn report

The National Corn Growers Association has released its 2015 World of Corn report.

The National Corn Growers Association’s 2015 World of Corn report analyzes the record corn harvest of 2014.

U.S. corn farmers harvested a record 14.2 billion bushels of corn in 2014, with a record national average yield of 171 bushels per acre.

“America’s corn farmers worked tirelessly in 2014 to grow a record crop,” NCGA President Chip Bowling and CEO Chris Novak write in the report’s introduction. “The unparalleled abundance has positive implications for every American. From a driver filling up a car to a shopper buying wholesome, nutritious (food) for a family, the incredible innovation in American agriculture improves lives across the country.”

This year’s report also includes two compendium pieces that discuss ethanol and biotechnology.

The report covers statistics and information about U.S. production, global production, a consumption overview, consumption of food and feed.

At a glance, the report says:

  • 90.6 million acres of corn were planted
  • 83.1 million acres were harvested
  • 14.2 billion bushels were produced
  • $51.9 billion was the corn crop value
  • $3.65 was the average price per bushel

U.S. crop acres harvested (1,000 acre):

  • Corn (grain): 83,136
  • Corn (silage): 6,371
  • Soybeans: 83,061
  • Wheat: 46,381

2014 crop value, in billions

  • Corn: $51.89
  • Soybeans: $40.48
  • Wheat: $12.36

The world’s total corn production was 38,898 million bushels.

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