Proper dust management improves feed mill safety, biosecurity and working conditions for employees. This issue’s Equipment Focus features several dust collection and environmental control products appropriate for industrial poultry and livestock feed production.
Company name: Walinga Inc. Product name: Central-Vac System Differentiator: Price-competitive option for facility housekeeping Product features:
- Air purge self-cleaning filters for less maintenance
- Explosion-proof design
- Helps keep your mill clean
Product URL: www.walinga.com/central-vac-with-air-purge

Company name: Donaldson Product name: Donaldon Torit PowerCore CPV Dust Collector Differentiator: CPVs are almost 70 percent shorter than other bag-style dust collectors Product features:
- Can be installed at point-of-use on silos, transfer points, conveyor discharges, blenders and mixers
- Up to 50 percent smaller than traditional baghouse collectors, and a single PowerCore filter pack replaces six 8-foot bag filters
- PowerCore filter packs with Ultra-Web last longer, clean easier and reduce maintenance costs
Product URL: www.donaldsontorit.com

Company name: Schenck Process Product name: MCF PowerSaver Differentiator: Saves up to 50 percent in operational costs due to using medium-pressure air during cleaning Product features:
- Handles heavy dust loads
- Controlled cleaning system that fires air directly into bags
- Cleaning capacities up to 250,000 CFM
Product URL: www.schenckprocess.com/us/products/mcf-powersaver
Company name: Kice Industries Product name: Kice Compact Filter Differentiator: Tool-free cartridge replacement to minimize maintenance and downtime Product features:
- Integrated fan and cleaning system designed for simple installation, operation and maintenance
- Designed for various cartridge configurations and lengths to handle a wide range of applications, materials and air volumes
- Available in carbon or stainless steel to meet specific application requirements
Product URL: www.kice.com/products/filters/compact-filter/

Company name: Automation Products Inc. – DYNATROL Division Product name: Dynatrol CL-10DJ Level Switch for Bulk Solids Differentiator: Works well in dusty environments due to unique vibratory principle Product features:
- Dependable level detection for baghouses, cyclone separators and above airlocks
- Virtually wear free with no seals or gaskets
- Approved for Class III services
Product URL: www.dynatrolusa.com/category/by-industry/feed-and-grain/

Company name: Imperial Systems Inc. Product name: BRF-MP Differentiator: Medium-pressure baghouse with self-calibrating pulse cleaning mechanism Product features:
- Low-horsepower motor: no large fan for bag cleaning
- No plant compressed air needed: runs off own compressor for pulse cleaning of bags
- Exact pulse mechanism: self calibrating so all bags are regularly cleaned
Product URL: www.isystemsweb.com/dust-collection-equipment/baghouse-dust-collector/#brfmediumpressure
Editor’s note: All product information was provided by the equipment suppliers.