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Corn Growers Association, Grain and Feed Foundation release grain bin safety video

The National Corn Growers Association and the National Grain and Feed Foundation (the research and education arm of the National Grain and Feed Association) have unveiled a joint video project to promote awareness about grain bin safety on the farm. The two organizations teamed up in November 2010 to develop the video in response to an increase in U.S. fatalities and injuries associated with entry into grain bins.

The National Corn Growers Association and the National Grain and Feed Foundation (the research and education arm of the National Grain and Feed Association) have unveiled a joint video project to promote awareness about grain bin safety on the farm.

The two organizations teamed up in November 2010 to develop the video in response to an increase in U.S. fatalities and injuries associated with entry into grain bins. “In 2010 we saw a record number of farmers becoming engulfed in grain bins and we decided it was time to have a proactive role in creating awareness about the serious nature of this issue,” said NCGA President Bart Schott. “We hope that this video makes farmers stop and think twice before the next time they put themselves in danger.”

The video, shot on location in several states, provides a wide range of information including prevention tips and background data on grain bin accidents. The project also involved interviews with professionals in the fields of grain bin safety research and rescue to provide as much information to viewers as possible.

The video is available at and on the NCGA’s YouTube channel.

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