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Over the last decade, the development of myopathies such as white striping (WS), wooden breast (WB), and spaghetti meat (SP) has been observed worldwide in the breast meat of heavy broilers. The onset and the severity of those defects appear to be complex and multifactorial. During this webinar, you will discover the latest insights on the development of myopathies, their perception by consumers, and their economic impact.
This webinar will broadcast at: 10:00 AM CST (Chicago) / 4:00 PM GMT (London) / 12:00 AM CST, Nov. 19 (Beijing).
- Learn the reasons for the development of myopathies and the latest advancement made in myopathies
- Myopathies economic impact on quality defects
- Gain insight on consumer perception related to the quality of the meat
- Discover business losses regarding consumer practices
- Learn about the solutions being implemented, Optibreast®– technology, and the economic benefit.
This webinar is sponsored by TIMAB Magnesium and presented by Feed Strategy, WATTPoultry, and WATT Global Media.
Speaker Info:
Massimiliano Petracci is a full professor at the University of Bologna since 2018 and his research activities involve several aspects of the quality of foods of animal origin with special emphasis on poultry, rabbit meat, and seafood. Currently, he is working on the characterization of the emerging meat abnormalities in poultry (white striping, wooden breast, and spaghetti meat). He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, and he joined as an invited speaker at several international congresses. Recently, he has been editor for the book “Poultry Meat Evaluation” published by Elsevier. He also chairs the Working Group 5 “Poultry Meat Quality” of the European Federation of the World’s Poultry Science Association since 2014 and he is the associated editor of scientific international journals (“World Rabbit Science”, “Meat and Muscle Biology “and “Frontiers in Physiology”). He also participates in various international (INTAQT, FutureEUAqua e NextGenProteins), and national projects. He is also the Coordinator of Ph.D. Program of Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Science and Technology. In addition to his research responsibilities, he currently teaches courses on innovations in meat and egg processing and seafood quality in the master course on Food Science and Technology at the University of Bologna.
Dr. Mario Estévez received his veterinary (2001) and Ph.D. (2005) degrees from the University of Extremadura (Spain) and stayed two years (2007-2009) as a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki (Finland). Dr. Mario Estévez is an internationally recognized expert in oxidation and antioxidation with a particular interest in food biochemistry, safety, nutrition, and health. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed journal articles including five reviews on protein oxidation through which he has established himself as an expert in the field (H-index 46; Scopus ID:57200419620). He has been the recipient of several competitive projects and grants including two consecutive Marie Curie fellowships (European Commission), is the author of four patents, and has written several dozen technical papers and book chapters. He currently serves as a member of the Editorial Board of Meat Science (Elsevier) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Food Science (IFT) and Foods (MDPI). He has extensive experience in training international Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers and has served as lecturer and key-note speaker in international congresses (ICoMST, IFT, as examples). In addition, he has experience in acquiring funding from external and competitive sources (EU-commission, European Research Council), in leading international projects (Marie Curie Fellowships in Spain and Finland), and in the creation of strong and prolific scientific collaborations with prestigious Institutions from more than 12 countries.
Marie-Sophie Schnéegans graduated as an agricultural engineer from ESA (Ecole Supérieure d ’Agriculture) in Angers, France, specializing in animal production and nutrition. After various experiences in animal nutrition in the private sector, she decided to specialize in poultry research and development at TIMAB Magnesium to develop specialties that meet the challenges of the poultry industry. Since 2018, she has been working on revealing the potential of magnesium in poultry. The results of her research have enabled her to develop Optibreast®, a patented optimal solution for reducing meat quality defects in heavy broilers.