Feed prices soared in recent months as global weather patterns shaved production back at a time when Chinese demand soared. Price appreciation was aided by a surge in the money supply that helped amplify the rally. Is this a new normal, or just a temporary setback for feeding margins? Arlan Suderman will look at developing global weather and trade patterns, changes in money supply and share insight from StoneX’s “boots on the ground” in China while assessing risks for feed buyers in the coming months, and over the coming year.
1. How the trading relationship between the United States and China has changed
2. How big is China’s feed need, and what does that mean for global prices?
3. What are the early signals for Midwest weather risks this summer that could impact feed prices?
4. Will there be enough protein for livestock feeders this summer following record soybean exports this winter?
This is the first webinar in the Feed Strategy Virtual Conference 2021. Explore how the global animal feed industry can increase profitability and meet future challenges in a series of three webinars.
This webinar is presented by Feed Strategy and WATT Global Media.
Arlan Suderman is the Chief Commodities Economist for StoneX Group Inc. – FCM Division, a financial services provider for global markets. Suderman oversees the company’s commodity market intelligence efforts. He provides unique market insight on global macro-economic trends and their implications for the commodity markets. Suderman is a leading commentator in the ag commodity sector, with expertise in the interaction with the broader markets. Previously, Suderman served as Senior Market Analyst at Water Street Solutions, an agricultural consulting firm and as a Market Analyst for Farm Futures magazine and FarmFutures.com, while also providing written daily market commentary for Farm Progress Companies’ family of state and regional publications and websites. He started his career with the Kansas Extension Service, developing educational programming focused on crop production, marketing and risk management. He later worked for a private consulting service helping farmers with marketing and risk management. He graduated from Kansas State University with a degree specializing in Animal Science & Industry.