Watch on-demand now to learn how global raw material transit impacts animal feed ingredient microbial quality and food safety.
Because international trade is fundamental to prosperity, health and environmental sustainability, it is essential to identify disease carriers and intervene at critical control points along the food supply chain. Bobby Acord, Former Administrator, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), will address two of the most critical control points for food safety: animal feed and associated raw materials. Learn about the economic costs associated with trade halts, quarantines or, worse yet, the need to depopulate livestock farms and how biosecurity measures can help ensure food safety and security. Acord will be joined by Dr. John Clifford, Former USDA Chief Veterinary Officer, and Dr. Kurt Richardson, Chief Science Officer, Anitox, for an informative Q&A session at the conclusion of his overview.
- Where the raw materials used in animal feed come from
- Why clean feed is one of the primary underutilized control tools available
- What it means to provide residual control
Note: This webinar is Part I of the Five-Part Dr. Clifford’s webinar series on feed as a fomite for pathogens where animal feed manufacturers, poultry and swine nutritionists, and biosecurity and safety professionals will learn about new research and proven innovative mitigation strategies to prevent pathogen transmission in the earliest stages of the food supply chain.
This webinar is proudly sponsored by Anitox and presented by Feed Strategy, WATTAgNet and WATT Global Media.
Speaker Info:
Bobby Acord, Former Administrator, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Bobby Acord was the administrator of the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) from 2001 to 2004. He was APHIS’ associate administrator from August 1999 until 2001. From 1990-99, he was deputy administrator for wildlife services in APHIS. Acord served in several managerial positions in APHIS’s then-Animal Damage Control unit from 1986-89, in Denver, Colorado, and Washington, D.C., after having worked in several other areas of responsibility in APHIS from 1973-86. He began his federal career as an Agricultural Marketing Service agricultural commodity grader in Los Angeles, California, in 1966. Acord holds a B.S. degree in animal science from West Virginia University in Morgantown.
Dr. John Clifford, Former USDA Chief Veterinary Officer
Dr. John Clifford works for USA Poultry and Egg Export Council as a veterinary trade adviser. He provides input on OIE Chapters that affect poultry and advice on USDA policy related to poultry. Prior to his current role, he was employed for 33 years with USDA where he provided leadership in protecting our nation’s animal health and by ensuring continued international trade opportunities as the Chief Trade Adviser for Veterinary Services. Dr. Clifford served 12 years as the Chief Veterinary Officer for USDA, Veterinary Services in Washington, D.C. He also served as the United States delegate to the OIE for 12 years. Dr. Clifford began his career in Kentucky as a private veterinarian in a mixed practice. He received his DVM and BS degrees in animal science from the University of Missouri.
Dr. Kurt Richardson, Chief Science Officer, Anitox
Dr. Kurt Richardson has been with Anitox for almost 30 years and holds the position of Chief Science Officer. He has published more than 80 articles in scientific and trade journals, holds 14 patents, and is well recognized as an industry expert in microbial contamination and control. He received his Ph.D. in Toxicology from North Carolina State University.