Wildeck RiderLift rideable material lift

Ideally suited for industrial applications, the Wildeck RiderLift hydraulically-operated rideable material lift has been designed to allow an authorized person to ride with their cargo to a second level.


Ideally suited for industrial applications, the Wildeck RiderLift hydraulically-operated rideable material lift has been designed to allow an authorized person to ride with their cargo to a second level and avoid having to climb stairs or rely on a co-worker to off-load material when the lift reaches its destination. It increases material handling efficiency; saves time by allowing workers to travel between levels with their material; improves safety, reduces fatigue and minimizes lost time accidents; increases the utilization of facility capacity gained from mezzanines, rack systems and pick modules; and can be purchased and installed at a fraction of the cost of an elevator. Standard top lifting height is 14 feet, and lifting speed is 20 fpm. Lifting capacity is 2,500 lbs., including rider.