Leiber presents YeaFi – The Yeast Fibre Concept a line of brewers’ yeast products for the health and performance of different animal species. This concept involves combining pure brewers’ yeast with depectinised apple pomace, unmolassed beet slices, pea fibres and carrot pomace. Apart from pet food, the new Leiber YeaFi products are also, of course, suitable for feeding livestock.
There are products available for ruminates, pigs, poultry, pet food, horses and aquaculture.
The benefits of using Leiber brewers’ yeast products in poultry farming and egg production are: improvement in growth and feed conversion; increase in fertility and suitability for breeding; and improved egg quality and shell stability.
For poultry, there are different products available in this line: Leiber YeaFi AB, and Leiber YeaFi AP.