Seepex BWC progressive cavity pump

The BWC progressive cavity pump from seepex bridges the gap between positive displacement sanitary pumps (low-flow and high-pressure) and centrifugal pumps (high-flow and low-pressure) by uniting the best of both designs into one space-saving and compact package capable of a controlled flow rate of 45 gpm and a maximum pressure of 60 psi. This food-grade BWC pump design is comprised of very few components, simplifying maintenance and reducing the overall cleaning period.


The BWC progressive cavity pump from Seepex bridges the gap between positive displacement sanitary pumps (low-flow and high-pressure) and centrifugal pumps (high-flow and low-pressure) by uniting the best of both designs into one space-saving and compact package capable of a controlled flow rate of 45 gpm and a maximum pressure of 60 psi. This food-grade BWC pump design is comprised of very few components, simplifying maintenance and reducing the overall cleaning period. BWC pumps can convey liquids containing suspended solids and slurries that are 40,000 centipoise in viscosity.