Dinnissen Process Technology’s innovation for filling big bags combines high-care filling with low-care palletizing. It meets all requirements for high-care, medium-care and low-care filling, processing, sealing and transporting Big-Bags. This solution is equipped with a fully automatic palletizing station.
The filling of Big-Bags takes place in a closed filling process. Compaction and weighing take place in one position, during filling. And no hydraulics are used in the high-care zone. To keep the oxygen level below 0.5%, stretching spout technology and triple sealing are used. This results in stable “high” Big-Bags without gas inclusions. The entire system of high-care
filling and low-care palletizing is designed, built and tested in-house.
Dinnissen Process Technology is known worldwide as a reliable player in the field of process technology for powders, grains and granules. With the latest innovation in high-care filling and low-care palletization, this is no different. Dinnissen Process Technology uses 70 years of expertise to innovate and to take care of the quality that customers and employees are used to. The entire process from design to final product is done in-house. In this way, Dinnissen Process Technology assures itself of the quality that the company expects of itself day after day.