Vaisala HMP9 HUMICAP humidity and temperature probe

Vaisala presents the HMP9 HUMICAP humidity and temperature probe, a very compact smart probe with superior response time. It is designed for industrial applications, where fast thermal response, measurement performance and long-term stability are essential.


Vaisala presents the HMP9 HUMICAP humidity and temperature probe, a very compact smart probe with superior response time. It is designed for industrial applications, where fast thermal response, measurement performance and long-term stability are essential. 

The Vaisala HMP9 incorporates world leading measurement accuracy and thermal response time in a compact package; truly mini-sized probe weights only a few grams and the probe head is only 5 mm of diameter. The low thermal mass of the probe offers superior response time compared to any capacitive humidity measurement product on the market. Probe’s compact body does not only adapt to the changing environment faster, but it also makes it suitable for installation in tight spaces, which allows measurements in locations where the traditional sized probes cannot fit. 

The HMP9 is designed for rapidly changing or condensing environments.