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FEFAC adopts 2030 feed industry vision

At the 194th FEFAC Council meeting on April 22, following the XXVII FEFAC Congress in Antalya, the delegates adopted the FEFAC 2030 vision on the Animal Feed Industry.

At the 194th FEFAC Council meeting on April 22, following the XXVII FEFAC Congress in Antalya, the delegates adopted the FEFAC 2030 vision on the Animal Feed Industry. The vision outlines the role of the feed industry as a knowledge-driven, highly-skilled and reliable partner to a sustainable, competitive EU livestock sector. FEFAC will present the vision’s key pillars of feed safety, animal nutrition and sustainable feed production at the First FEFAC-FEFANA joint conference “Innovation in Animal Nutrition” on June 9 in Brussels. FEFAC and partners in the Agri-Food Chain Coalition call on EU policy makers to adapt the regulatory framework to allow the feed and food chain to boost innovation efforts in order to tackle societal challenges, including climate change, the growing demand for food-feed safety and animal health and welfare.

The Council re-elected Ruud Tijssens as FEFAC President until June 2017. He will continue to work with the Praesidium members Anton Einberger (DVT, Germany), Cristina de Sousa (IACA, Portugal), Tony Bell (AIC, UK), Witold Obidzinski (IZP, Poland) and Jesper Pagh (DAKOFO, Denmark), whose mandates have also been extended for one year. Jean-Michel Boussit, newly elected President of EUROFAC, will replace Alain Guillaume (SNIA) in the FEFAC Praesidium as of June 1. EUROFAC, which represents 85% of the French compound feed and premix industry, will take over the FEFAC membership from SNIA on the same date.

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