Merck Animal Health presents INNOVAX ND-ILT, a vaccine against three highly infectious diseases in poultry: Newcastle disease (ND), infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and Marek’s disease (MD). It can be given to chickens either in ovo or subcutaneously at the hatchery. INNOVAX ND-ILT is the second of the company’s dual HVT constructs to be approved.
Innovax ND-ILT is a frozen, cell associated, live virus vaccine that contains the serotype 3 herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) with the F gene from Newcastle disease (ND) virus and two genes from infectious laryngotracheitisvirus (ILT). The vaccine is frozen and packaged in glass ampules, supplied with diluent packaged in a separate container. The vaccine ampules are inserted in metal canes, stored and shipped in a liquid nitrogen container.