DSM offers an app to support MaxiChick productivity for breeder flocks. Developed for farmers, nutritionists, researchers and other professionals in the poultry industry, the MaxiChick Breeder Calculator App facilitates calculation of the potential benefits of using new technology for the improved profitability of breeder flocks. The MaxiChick Breeder Calculator evaluates the potential impact of any possible change in husbandry practice or diet on the profitability of the flock. The new app can be used to support decision-making processes, feed additive evaluation and training and teaching.This app from DSM calculates the potential benefits (in terms of extra chicks per hen) of increasing the number of settable eggs, enhancing egg fertility, and boosting hatchability compared to existing industry standards. It may be used for broilers, layers or turkey breeders. Based on a three-step process it allows the user to visualize the extra profit that could be generated by introducing feeding innovations. The user selects the relevant species, genetic line and currency and can then use sliders to change key parameters such as settable eggs, fertile eggs, and hatchability.