VaxLiant ENABL vaccine adjuvant

VaxLiant ENABL vaccine adjuvant can be combined with gene-sequenced DNA to create a stable delivery format for commercial vaccines. The adjuvant can be used to fight avian influenza and other transboundary diseases, including foot-and-mouth disease and African swine fever. ENABL allows the DNA component of a vaccine to remain intact and stable, provides higher level of effectiveness against the avian influenza and uses 70 percent less antigen, the company says. Producing vaccines with the ENABL platform does not require live-virus or animal-origin material and allows for in vitro screening. ENABL is available in 15 ready-to-use formulations for use in both traditional and new vaccines for cattle, pigs and poultry.ENABL is approved by the USDA. The approval includes a 21-day withdrawal period when ENABL is used in vaccines administered subcutaneously to improve immunity against disease.

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