Radio Frequency Macrowave Pasteurization System uses a high-frequency electric field to control pathogens, as an alternative to gasses or thermal techniques. Using electrical energy from the grid, the material to be treated is conveyed through a high-frequency electrode array where the alternating electrical energy heats the material throughout the product thickness. Macrowave Pasteurization Systems operate at 40MHz, available in conveyorized or batch configurations. The pasteurization systems eliminate pathogens in human food ingredients and also in a wide range of animal feed products. These systems are designed for conveyorized treatments of either bagged or bulk animal feed products. The 40MHz operation level ensures that both depth of penetration and uniformity of heating are optimized, thereby making for effective kill of salmonella and other harmful pathogens. Systems are available for production rates ranging from 1,000 to 50,000 pounds per hour.