DPS G2Sioux Steel Co.Designed to be fully submersed in grainCan unbury itself from grain avalancheFlexible rubber paddlesBolt-together designExplosion proofAll-weather quick-change motorsTractor tread tires Request More Info Fill out the form below to request more information about DPS G2More From Sioux Steel Co.Court upholds Sioux Steel's patent infringement verdictPrairie Land Millwright Services' was found to have willfully infringed on Sioux Steel’s patent for grain bin paddle sweeps.Cornado Grain SpreaderDesigned to handle up to 8,000 bushels/hourCommercial Grain SystemsFlexStor Grain Bag Loading and Unloading SystemFlexStor AugerVacGPS (Grain Push System)12- to 36-foot Hopper BinsCage and platform packages for outside ladderPro-Tec Engineered BuildingsDPS 12KDust Suppression HopperSmall degree of natural agitation helps exclude air from the material being transferred as the hopper is filled