Essi EvansEssi Evans, Ph.D., is president, Essi Evans Technical Advisory Services, Inc. in Ontario, Canada. She can be reached at [email protected].From the AuthorFeed AdditivesExamining soluble protein in dairy cow nutritionFind out how models and feed formulation platforms allow for greater levels of productivity and resource utilization in dairy production.Feed AdditivesHow to maximize microbial protein production by ruminantsA lot of emphasis is placed on escape protein and in establishing the escape protein values for various ingredients. But has the industry been overlooking the obvious solution? Generally, at least half of the metabolizable protein supplied to the cow for protein synthesis is from microbial protein, with the remainder of the requirement met with escape protein from ingredient sources.Animal NutritionHow to deal with feed ingredient variabilityThe goal of feed formulation is to meet the nutritional needs of the target animal in the most profitable manner possible. This takes into account not only performance, but also optimization of efficiency and in some locations includes environmental nutrient management.Dairy CattleHow to formulate better ruminant dietsThe total protein in feed ingredients used for ruminants is partitioned between the rumen-degraded protein and rumen-undegraded protein. Values are often assigned to protein ingredients on the basis of the rumen-degraded protein that they yield.HomeBody weight, dry matter intake key in improving cow feed formulationWhen expected results aren’t achieved from your cow feed formulation program, this generally indicates that either some aspect of feed preparation on the farm went awry, or one or more of the input parameters used to describe either the feed, farm or cows were off. When predictions go sideways, production of milk or components are unfortunately not where they should be.Page 1 of 1