Kason Corporation
Millburn, NJ 07041-1416
Kason is a world leading manufacturer of Vibratory Screeners, Centrifugal Screeners and Fluid Bed Processors for bulk products ranging from dry or moist materials to solids-laden slurries. All equipment is available to worldwide standards for industrial, food, dairy and pharmaceutical requirements including 3-A, FDA, USDA, BISSC and others. C.I.P./S.I.P designs allow hands-free sanitizing. Quick-clean designs permit rapid disassembly for removal of components, wash-down, screen changes and inspection. Screeners are offered in gravity-fed and in-line-pneumatic configurations for classifying, sifting, scalping, de-dusting, de-agglomerating and dewatering on a batch or continuous basis, at rates from several pounds/kilograms to 150 tons per hour. Kason's circular vibratory fluid bed processors can dry, cool or moisturize bulk products with greater efficiency and at lower cost than rectangular designs, because the circular design is inherently more rigid, allowing materials of construction to be down-gauged, motors to be downsized and components to be eliminated.