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INFOGRAPHIC: 2016 acquisitions in the animal feed industry

22 acquisitions have been reported on by WATT Global Media in the animal feed sector.



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With five deals announced in January alone, WATT Global Media has reported on 22 acquisitions in animal feed, nutrition and related industries so far in 2016.

The animal agriculture mergers and acquisitions range from large feed producers such as agricultural cooperative ForFarmers to vendors such as testing kit supplier Neogen.

ForFarmers is the largest company in WATT’s Top Feed Companies database to complete an acquisition this year.

Other Top Feed Companies involved in acquisitions in 2016 include Nutreco, Royal De Heus, Royal Agrifirm, AB Agri, and InVivo.

The Netherlands appear to be a hot spot for the acquisitions. Four of the six Top Feed Companies involved in acquisitions have headquarters located there.

Top Feed Companies are not the only ones partaking in the acquisition trend. There have been 16 other companies not included in the WATT Top Companies database that have completed acquisitions this year as well.

Alltech has been the busiest on the acquisition front, acquiring four companies in the sector this year. InVivo has acquired three; Evonik and Nutreco each have acquired two; and Nuscience, Camlin Fine Sciences, Neogen, Bühler, Chr. Hansen, Pancosma, Pestell Minerals, Royal De Heus, Royal Agrifirm and AB Agri each acquired one.

Find out more about these companies in WATT Global Media’s Top Feed Companies database.

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