Insights and research for animal feed formulators and nutritionists

Insights and research for animal feed formulators and nutritionists

Develop versatile, cost-effective feed formulations to optimize animal health and increase production efficiency

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2024 Poultry Nutrition & Feed Survey: Optimism despite volatility

Respondents point to increased profitability as raw material costs and supplies stabilize in this edition of the annual survey.

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Supplementing reduced antibiotic use with nutritional additives, fewer stressors

A goal in animal protein production is to reduce gut pathogens, but antibiotics harm animal protein production by removing good and bad intestinal flora; this is where a more comprehensive diet and fewer stressors come in.

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Blood biomarkers could drive broiler nutrition decisions

Emerging technologies could help predict health issues or nutritional deficiencies earlier than before.

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The potential of Plenish High Oleic soybeans in dairy feed [Podcast]

Plenish High Oleic soybeans increase milk fat and enhance feed efficiency, these soybeans are reshaping the landscape for farmers and grain elevators

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Fish meal alternatives can improve food security, sustainability [Podcast]

Ida Grong Aursand, senior business developer at SINTEF Ocean, talks about new developments in fish meal alternatives and why those innovations are important.

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