Strategies for how U.S. Soy promotes animal digestibility. Brand Insights from USSEC.
U.S. Soybean Meal Quality Advantage
Soybean meal is one of the most utilized feed ingredients in swine and poultry nutrition, where the main countries involved in global trade of soybeans and soybean meal include Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. The comprehensive value of soybeans and soybean meal are determined by a combination of intrinsic meal characteristics, and they do vary by origin.
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Comparing Whole Soybean Physical Factors: Soybean Moisture
Soybean moisture content is closely watched as it has many implications. Moisture has implications for storage efficacy and preserving the quality of the soybean. At high moisture levels, soybeans are susceptible to mold development, seed coat rupture, and even potential germination in warmer temperatures. Storage conditions and length of storage determine if these quality deteriorating conditions develop. When these conditions develop, they are irreversible in the damage caused to soybeans.
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U.S. soybean meal: a consistent nutritional bundle is a value differentiator
Soybean meal is typically purchased based on a limited set of information, such as crude protein, fiber, and moisture. Often, buyers focus primarily on minimizing the cost of ingredients rather than evaluating other nutritional characteristics that impact diet performance. Within organizations, the buyer is often in a different position than the nutritionist that formulates the diet. As a result, key differentiators of end-user value tend to be overlooked when making decisions to purchase soybean meal from alternative origins.
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U.S. soybean meal’s amino acid profile best promotes digestibility in swine and poultry diets
The digestibility of amino acids in soybean meal is critical to match the animal’s nutritional requirements. Crude protein alone is not a sufficient indicator of overall soybean meal value. It is essential to consider the soybean meal’s protein content by understanding the animal’s digestibility capability to meet its requirements for tissue synthesis and other critical metabolic functions. Standardized Ileal Digestibility (SID) for soybean meal provides a more accurate measurement of amino acid availability to the animal than crude protein.
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U.S. Soybean Meal, Superior Quality
U.S. Soy is essential to providing your customers with the highest-quality soybean meal as feed for animals around the world. Our unmatched whole soybean characteristics, consistency, amino acids, and energy content increase meal production, animal performance, and your profitability.