Soybean meal in swine diets optimize production, profitability

Soybean meal in swine diets optimize production, profitability

Learn how the benefits of soybean meal in swine diets increase overall health performance, production, and profitability.

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Let’s Talk Diets – The Benefits of ExPress® Meal in Pigs

Join Applied Nutrition Technologist Dr. Janeth Colina as she discusses how ExPress® Soybean Meal can provide you with major benefits when added to swine diets.

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Animals Don’t Lie, Do You Know What They Are Saying?

In swine production, the diets can make up 70 percent or more of the cost of producing a market hog. What you include in a ton of feed is serious business because the animals can’t lie about their performance. The feed can either help or hinder their growth which has a dramatic effect on the profitability of your business. The predominant ingredients used are soybean meal, ground corn, vitamins, minerals, and a fat source. Any one of these can impact the animal’s performance.

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A Consistent Source of Energy For Swine Diets – High-Shear Dry Extruded/ Partially Deoiled Soy Meal: ExPress®

The cost of feed in swine production is more than 60% of the total, and within that cost, energy concentration is the most expensive component. Therefore, the definition of energy values of feed ingredients and their contribution to the diet is relevant to decrease diet costs and optimize caloric efficiency and growth performance aligned to the genetic potential of pigs. Although energy is not considered a nutrient, it is required to support all body functions and production. Nutritional strategies should focus on selecting high-quality feedstuffs, which are more easily classified according to their better-understood energy concentrations, along with the use of these values toward meeting the energy requirements of pigs.



The Proof Is In The Science

Read Dr. Stein’s latest article in the Journal of Animal Science; Digestibility of amino acids and concentrations of metabolizable energy and net energy are greater in high-shear dry soybean expellers than in soybean meal when fed to growing pigs. The Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at Kansas State University evaluates the processing temperature and feeding value of extruded-expelled soybean meal on the nursery and finishing pig growth performance.


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