Learn how ExPress® soymeal can maximize the efficiency and well-being of your layer populations with the latest nutritional and financial analysis from Virginia Tech.
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Improved Feed Efficiency & Up To 8% Diet Cost Reduction
The 2021 Virginia Tech Layer Trial proves the inclusion of ExPress® soybean meal in layer diets, results in an improved feed-to-gain ratio while maintaining egg quality.
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Financial Feasibility for Processing & Feeding
How does a significant savings of 8% per ton on the complete diet cost and an improved Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) help you and your customers?
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Global Egg Production – Key Consumer Trends and How Nutrition Plays a Role
How does the nutritional management of layer diets play a key role in consumers’ purchasing decisions?
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How You Can Positively Impact Your Customers’ Bottom Line
Whether you are a feed mill looking to provide high-quality soybean meal to layer farms, or an integrated layer company, there is much to benefit from by switching to ExPress® soybean meal in your layer diets.
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5 Things That Make Layer Operations Money
Many factors determine the growth and efficiency of a business. Learn our top strategies in feed meal processing that can innovate your feed production and increase the revenue of your layer operation.
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