ADM opens a new animal nutrition lab to extend their science-based feed additives research and product development

ADM opens a new animal nutrition lab to extend their science-based feed additives research and product development

Innovative solutions to support customer growth and optimize value creation. An innovative, all-encompassing animal nutrition laboratory expands research and cutting-edge capabilities in feed additives.

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As the demand for natural and healthier products in the feed and food industry rises, customers are increasingly searching for close-to-nature alternatives as well as innovative ways to be more sustainable in their production.

ADM’s new animal nutrition excellence center in Rolle, Switzerland aims to support this need through the development of science-based feed additives for pet food, aquaculture, and livestock species applications worldwide provided by ADM’s feed additives business Pancosma. ADM’s advanced research team is focused on sustainability and health through precise nutrition and production efficiency to develop new animal feed additives and ingredients to meet consumer challenges head-on.

In the lab, scientists are accelerating the development of innovative products as they examine precise methods to characterize molecules and modes of action. Research and testing also support product stability studies and traceability in animal feed with adherence to all aspects of animal health.

Enhancing innovation for animal nutrition.

While ADM is well-known for innovation, the new Rolle lab reinforces ADM’s dedication to animal nutrition research and development as it adds to their existing network of over 140 scientists and technicians worldwide. Their driving ambition is to find alternatives that provide more efficient use of ingredients to allow the same—or better—productivity and nutrition benefits while also having a reduced impact on the environment.

A strong push for sustainability.

The innovative lab will also support the development of new products to meet the sustainability goals of ADM’s animal nutrition business. To address the core animal production challenges and mitigate environmental impact, ADM is using future-forward developments of feed additives including plant extracts to reduce methane emission in ruminants, and enzymes to improve feed efficiency across all species of animals.

Providing health through precise nutrition.

ADM is focused on improving animal health through nutrition by reducing antibiotics as growth promoters and limiting medication usage in production. This includes promoting healthy microbiomes and digestion in animals through innovative feed additives and formulations. These targeted solutions maintain the health and welfare of the herd while addressing immune system stressors.

Elevating production efficiency.

ADM researchers are developing feed additives with a goal of optimizing nutrition for livestock and aquaculture to enhance production efficiency at the farm level. This incorporates cutting-edge developments to improve feed effectiveness in marine life to increase fish production, as well as maintain efficient and safe milk production following calving. In addition, the lab will also develop next-generation products for all stages of swine to support gut health and improve growth performance.

Advanced knowledge inside and out.

ADM has a deep level of scientific animal nutrition expertise and advanced analytics to help ensure the efficacy of new products. Having the expertise and equipment to identify and quantify new ingredients and develop new products for customers all in one place is paramount for success. For example, ADM has made a huge leap in scientific capabilities by investing in two brand new mass spectrometry detectors, including a high-resolution machine that helps with very specific quantitative and volatile analyses. Their research efforts don’t just stop at the composition and creation of new ingredients; ADM also makes a point to research product behavior in the context of feed solutions. Among ADM’s offerings for customers are a full understanding of the total makeup of their solutions and the expertise to tailor these products based on customers’ needs.

ADM is your animal nutrition partner.

Brands looking to adapt and align on the growing trend of precise and responsible animal feeding can partner with ADM to benefit from their complete portfolio. Their robust team of scientists and experts will help you select ingredients, formulate, and develop feed solutions with detailed research, analysis, and technical support all along the way. Their unique approach to nutrition-forward solutions and new methods of production are based on key research in new products and applications—all centered around major global and market trends.

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