Evonik’s technical services manager offers tips for the appropriate dosing, application of methionine
Feed manufacturers aim to produce uniform mixes to ensure micro ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the entire ration. The different methionine sources present different considerations for their dosing and handling within the feed mill.
Mark Daniel, Evonik’s technical service manager, joined the Chat to examine what feed producers should take into account when choosing methionine products.
Transcript: Feed Strategy Chat with Mark Daniel, Evonik technical service manager
Jackie Roembke, editor of Feed Strategy: Hello everyone and welcome to Feed Strategy Chat. I am your host, Jackie Roembke, editor of Feed Strategy magazine.
This edition of Feed Strategy Chat is brought to you by Evonik.
Today’s livestock producers are under pressure to boost performance. That means getting the most return from animals and achieving the highest level of productivity at the lowest possible cost. This can be achieved only if the methionine source used is correctly supplemented.
Evonik Animal Nutrition is a highly reliable, globally operating provider of science-driven products and services for sustainable and efficient production of meat, fish, eggs and milk. MetAMINO from Evonik ensures the adequate supply of sulfur amino acids, particularly the essential methionine.
Not just better, but the best results with MetAMINO from Evonik.
Today, we’re joined on Zoom by Mark Daniel, a technical service manager with Evonik, to discuss several important considerations for the handling and dosing of different refining sources. Hi, Mark, how are you?
Mark Daniel, a technical service manager with Evonik: I’m fine. Jackie, nice to talk to you.
Roembke: You too. So let’s get down to it. Looking at poultry diets, what is the methionine dosing recommendation?
Daniel: The amount of methionine added to a feed formula is dependent upon the age of the animal, the typical broiler diet varies anywhere from 4 to 12 pounds a ton of finish feed.
A small amount of methionine is added to a diet so the handling characteristics, the mixing and the product’s accuracy is very important.
Roembke: Great. What handling properties should operators consider when exploring the various assigning sources?
Daniel: The feed mill operators should really consider the handling characteristics of the product, like the MHA, for instance. The liquid product is corrosive and will affect the equipment in the feed mill, and also the viscosity of the product is affected by the temperature, which affects the dosing capability and mixing of the product.
The DL-methionine is a granulated product. It’s very easy to handle. It doesn’t matter what the temperature or the environment is in the feed mill, it has great mixing characteristics.
Roembke: What is the most common question you receive from feed mill operators regarding methionine dosing and handling?
Daniel: The most common question is how does the product handle? In the feed mills, it’s important for the operator that you have good flexibility and good mixing of the product, the mixing being a critical part of the feed milling operation.
Evonik offers feed milling services, especially AMINOBatch, to test the theory to assure that you get good, uniform mix of the product.
Roembke: Excellent. Well, thank you so much for your insight. For more information about Evonik and its products, please visit MetAMINO.com. Thank you so much, Mark. And thanks to everyone for tuning in. Thank you.